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Community Engagement: Listening Session with the Board of Education

community engagement listening session with board of education
Mary Ann Mitchell

Please mark your calendars for Monday, May 6, 2024, for our next Community Engagement event, which is a Listening Session with the Board of Education. This event will take place at 6:00 p.m. at Woodland Elementary School.  

Attendees will be placed in small groups, much like in a World Café, to provide feedback on specific topics surrounding the district. A World Café is a structured conversational process for knowledge sharing in which groups of people discuss a topic at several small tables like those in a café. Some degree of formality may be retained to make sure that everyone gets a chance to speak. Whether you are a parent, educator, student, or citizen, your perspectives and insights are integral to shaping the future of our district.  

To assist with planning and organization, RSVPs are kindly requested by visiting or calling the Central Office at 618-656-1182. 

We are excited about coming together as a community to listen and learn and look forward to seeing you at the Community Engagement Listening Session on May 6.  


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