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Board of Education Monthly Meeting Summary: March 25

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Mary Ann Mitchell

The Edwardsville Community Unit School District #7 Board of Education met on Monday, March 25, 2024, in the Liberty Middle School Auditorium for its monthly board meeting.  

These are not the official meeting minutes and do not include every detail from the meeting but rather a summary to assist the District #7 community. The official minutes can be found on the District #7 Board of Education Board Docs once approved by the Board.  

From the Superintendent Report 

  • This month the district did a soft launch of the Crisis Go app with administrators. The Crisis Go app provides buildings with a platform under which to operate emergency drills in crisis situations. The district will have a full launch in the fall with additional staff.  

  • District #7 is planning for the next community engagement event tentatively to be held on Monday, May 6 at 6:30 p.m. It will be a listening session by the Board of Education where individuals will be placed in small groups with the intent of providing feedback on specific topics. More information will be coming. Additionally, District #7 has partnered with Thought Exchange, an engagement and survey platform which collects voices and feedback on a wide scale and turns that information into data reports for the district.  

  • As communicated last week, registration for the 2024-25 school year opens on Tuesday, April 2 at 9 a.m. 


 In action,  

  • The Policy Committee approved Policy 7:40, allowing non-public school students, including parochial and homeschool students, to participate in the district’s regular education program on a space available basis and policy. A student must attend the district for at least three class periods or one-third of the regular school day, while the three class periods must have a college or career focus with a maximum of one elective class.  

  • The Board approved Edwardsville High School to renew its membership in the Illinois High School Association for the 2024-2025 school year. 

  • The Board approved the purchase of middle school math materials and supplies from Amplify Desmos, a student-centered curriculum designed to cultivate student thinking and create eager, collaborative learners, as recommended by the District #7 6-8 Math Curriculum Committee.  

  • The Board approved several bid packages for renovation and construction at Lincoln Middle School.  

  • The Board approved the Edwardsville High School Commons expansion and restroom renovation bid packages, with the exception of bid package #06 (carpentry). This part of the project will be rebid and brought to the BOE for approval at a future date. 

Next Meetings:  
Monday, April 8 – Board of Education Work Session (6 p.m. at Liberty Middle School) 
Monday, April 22 – Board of Education Monthly Meeting (7 p.m. at Liberty Middle School) 

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